Monday, 30 January 2012

Musing Mondays #4

This meme is hosted by Should be Reading.

Every week a new 'musing' question is posted by the host for all participants to answer in their own posts.

This week's musing is:

How far along are you in your current read before you start thinking about what you're going to read next?

I'm usually always considering what I'm going to be reading next. I think it may be because I just have so many books to read - review books or not - that I feel the need to plan ahead. For example, I already know that my next read is going to be The Guardian's Wildchild by Feather Stone, because this is one that I need to have a review posted for by February 10th, as part of the blog tour.
I also already know that the book I'm going to be reading after this one, is A Witch in Winter by Ruth Warburton, which is one of my review books from Hachette (you can also look forward to an author interview and giveaway attached to this).

On the rare occasions when I don't already know what I shall be reading next, I tend to start thinking about it from around the last 50 pages, if I think about it at all. I have been known to spend an hour or so choosing my next book when I've just finished another - it's not unheard of. But with over 600 unread books (including eBooks, I'll add), then this would take some time if there isn't already a plan of action in place!
I do like being able to plan my reading sometimes, but I'm hoping to get back to the stage where I have to spend an hour deciding again soon - it's very much like browsing your own personal library!


Vicki said...

I have a lot of tour/review books coming up, so I'm using that schedule right now to choose.
Here's Mine

Burgandy Ice said...

I have a few planned... like this book by tomorrow and that one by Thursday - but that's totally new for me, and I've got back-up plans in case I don't make it, 'cause saying I'm going to do something almost guarantees it won't happen!! Yikes!! Thx for sharing! My MM is here: Colorimetry

Anna said...

I too have a few coming up!

Here is my MM post

Happy reading
Anna =)

abilouise said...

You and your library Dani!
I have to restrict myself, if I have more than 15 unread hard copies on my shelf I try not to allow myself to buy anymore!

Here's mine.. :)


Leah Marie said...

I always have my next read planned because there is just SO much I want to read! The list grows daily, so I'm pretty much scheduled for the next couple of years. ;-)

My Musings!

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