Series: Hunger Games #1
Pages: 464
Publisher: Scholastic
Release date: 10th January 2009
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Goodreads synopsis:
The Hunger Games takes place in an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America, in a nation known as Panem. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts.
As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol, every year, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by lottery and forced to participate in the Hunger Games, a televised event in which the participants, or "tributes," must fight to the death in a dangerous, outdoor arena, controlled by the Capitol, until only one remains. The story follows fatherless 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12, who volunteers for the 74th Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose.
The Hunger Games is a novel (and series) I’ve been meaning to read for a while now. First a good friend of mine recommended it to me when she read it months ago, raving about it and telling me just how good it was, but even though this friend and I nearly always agree on books, I still didn’t pick it up. I think it may have been the horrific premise of the novel that put me off – 24 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 being thrown into an arena and being forced to fight to the death, the winner being the last one standing? It sounded gruesome and upsetting, especially for a book that is categorised as teenage fiction.
I have recently been coerced into reading the novel though, when another of my friends (who I go to University with) and my little brother – both of whom are obviously dangerously persuasive (or at least dangerously if they ever decided to use this attribute for anything other than convincing me to read a book). Anyway, I was finally bullied swayed into reading it. I’m glad I was.
I’ll admit that around the first 30% of novel didn’t really live up to the expectations I’d already built around the book, but then again, it was the introduction to the dystopian world that the Hunger Games series is set in, and also the introduction to the characters and protagonist Katniss (which is a ridiculous name, but as were most of the other character’s names, although I have since fallen for the name Rue). Once the Hunger Games began in the novel though, I was completely gripped – I didn’t want to stop reading, it was so exciting! We are thrown immediately into the action, and I’ll admit, my heart was pounding as soon as Katniss set off.
Katniss’s character was quite good, although I did find myself wishing that she’d stop to think about what she was doing every once in a while, particularly with regard to Peeta, who I loved. It was obvious to me that everything he did was for her, but she seemed to have her mind stuck in the games, and seemed to refuse, despite the evidence, that he did actually like and want to protect her. Other than that, I thought she was a wonderful character – she’s brave, intelligent, loyal and strong-minded – and despite her flaws, I know I wouldn’t want her to be perfect – she just wouldn’t be a believable character if she was!
Although the book is categorized as YA/Teen, I definitely don’t think it should be confined to just this – it makes a great read for adults too. The plot is truly exciting and once in the Games themselves, fast-paced and action-packed. I loved that Katniss or Peeta did not lose their sense of identity just because they were in the arena and fighting to the death – we still see Katniss empathise with the other contestants and even become protective of a couple of them. Towards the end of the games we see the novel take another terrifying twist, that I definitely didn’t see coming, so the book definitely keeps the reader on their toes, as well as the characters! The end of the novel is left hanging on such a cliffhanger, that it’s going to be impossible for me to resist the second book for too long!
This is a must read for anyone marginally interested in Dystopian fiction, Fantasy or YA. I do also recommend it to others though – I think, like me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
Yup. I thought this was a pretty darn good read. I'm not usually one for YA or Dystopian (trying to remedy that ;) and so I was putting this one off for ages until I caught myself reading the opening lines and I was hooked. Funny how that happens, huh?
I know all too well how that can happen, Trish! I've picked up a book only meaning to have a quick mooch and before I know it, I've read 4 chapters!!
Really glad I picked this one up!
Dani :)
hehehehe, bullied? by me? NEVER :D told you wouldn't be disappointed!!!!
Gem xxx
I loved this. My friend Nook-loaned it to me recently, and the whole trilogy in paperback has just landed on my doorstep. I'm itching to read the other 2 NOW but have library and challenge books to get to first!
Gemma - yes you! :P I'm glad I've read it though!!
And Sarah, I know exactly what you mean, but I have far too many review copies at the moment and need to get the pile down. I'm going to read the next one in my break after the new year though, before I have to go back to University, but after my assignments are in. I can't wait!
I've heard nothing but good things about this book. I still haven't read it yet, but it looks pretty good.
BTW, I'm a new follower. You can come check out my blog if you wish...lol...
I'm glad you liked The Hunger Games. I was in the same situation as you. My friend Haylie made me read it but i'm really glad i did because i absolutley loved it! I can't wait for you to read the last two books in the series! I loved them both!
I loved the Hunger Games. I flew through the books, and I really wish she would write a few more. Have you read Divergent? It is also excellent.
I've finished the trilogy recently and I absolutely loved it!! I can't wait for the movie now :P
I loved this trilogy so much that I got my husband to read it. Can't wait for the movie
I haven't read this book/series yet, but I'm hoping to get a chance to soon, I'm excited because all I've heard are good things!
I love this trilogy! And I am so glad that my best friend recommended it to me :)
I can't wait for the movie! Great review:))
I'm Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter
great review...it is one of the best books ever out there:)
My sister has convinced me to read this book about a month ago...
at the beginning I was tentative,but reading it I was obliged to change my mind...this book is simply awesome!*-*
Now I want read the other book of this series!:)
Thanks for the great review. I have yet to read this book and must get around to it before the movie. I am sure it is as good as everyone says.
I haven't read this book yet. I saw the trailer for the movie & decided not to read it, but now thanks to your review, I've changed my mind & I'm going to give this book a go. I hope I enjoy it a much as you & so many others did. :)
i love hunger games..one of my favorite series:)
This series is one of my ALL TIME favorites!! <3 I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Can't wait for the movie adaptation this year :)
I luuurrrveee this one. This is one of my all-time favorite! People who hasn't read this yet is definitely missing on something. Great review!
This has been on my reading list for a while. It's right up my alley. Thanks for the review.
This has to be one of my favorite YA books. Can't wait for the movies!
This is an awesome book. :D Totally excited for the movie. I think it was one of the first dystopian novels I ever read.
I've heard so much about this book, but have no time to read it yet. I know they're gonna make a movie from it, so maybe it's time for me to read it :) thanks for the review!
Are you excited for the movie!? Yay! I've read the 3 books way before all the Hunger Games mania starts and honestly this books are the only ones that left me feeling like I lost a friend when I finish with them! They're mind-blowing! The best dystopian world I ever read!
Yeah, I kept putting it off for much the same reasons plus since it was a trilogy, I thought I'd wait till all three were out to read back to back. Big mistake! I got so hooked on this story that I read almost non-stop alternately bawling my eyes out at the horror and gripping the cover as the non stop pace kept me flipping pages. I loved this series and have pushed it on every friend and stranger who happen to mention it. Can not wait for the movie, although seriously how could it be a tenth as good? Even them it will be awesome!
Much the same as you, it tooks months of coercion to get me to pick up this book. And again, much the same as you, I wasn't particularly interested in the first third of it. Once the Hunger Games themselves started, though, I was sold! I definitely think the author has a talent for leaving you in the here and now when danger is all around you. I enjoyed the book a lot more than I expected to!
I so need to read this one! I've wanted to pick it up for quite a long time but I was so busy that I never managed to get a copy. (Although I now do have one, thanks to you hun, hehe <3 :))
REALLY looking forward to reading it!
You really do need to read it! I have just put the whole trilogy on my new book case (even though I read the first one on my Kindle, I decided that I couldn't have the other two in paperback, and not get the first one on there too!) I'm terrible and I need help, I know! ;)
Get it read soon, and then link me to your review <3
I really love this book. I was so amazed by the world and a little afraid that would happen to us.
I can't wait for the movie, so i can be mad for what they tel out of it :) evething is so good.
I really enjoyed The Hunger Games! I agree, the first few chapters were boring but it got MUCH better! I can't wait for the movie! Maybe The Hunger Games will change the whole 'The book is better than the film' thing.
Thanks for the review.
This book sounds so awesome, I just bought it and I can't wait to read it! Moreover there will be also the movie soon so I'm really excited! Good review :)
This book sounds so awesome, I just bought it and I can't wait to read it! Moreover there will be also the movie soon so I'm really excited! Good review :)
The Hunger Games is one of my favorites books.I loved it!Maybe the first chapters were boring,but the rest..i don't have words to describe it.
Thanks for the review.
this book absolutely amazing!!
You're absolutely right, Katniss is very difficult character to understand!
Thanks for the awesome review. I just now finally read this book....I don't know why....I think, because everyone loved it so much I had to rebel...lol...but I am totally in love with this series now.
Great review! I love that book because its highly unique.
This series will always be one of my favorites! I I can't wait for the movie next month :)
Yeah, I agree with your review. I read Hunger Games last year and I was pretty excited. I think it is one of the most beautiful books this time.
I agree alot with your review!! Great review!! I loved the hunger games as well, it is one of my favorite!
I agree with you about Katniss, she was a great character!
I love the hunger games, I don´t really like reading a book from 1 person perspectuve, the writing was so awesome.
Great review
I loved the hunger games! I put it off too! I'm not a fan of going along with the crowd, but I wish I did after I read this series in 2 days back in December!
I've been contemplating reading this for ages now, but after reading this review -yes, and the excited comments xD- it got on top of my to-read list!
Like you I was kinda skeptical about the book at first while my friend kept raving about it. And again like you, her and I agree on most books. Finally when I did read it I couldn't stop until I finished all the 3 books in the series! RAD read! I was hooked and still am. I cant wait for the movie! I loved Peeta too but I'd have to disagree a bit with you on Katniss. She only had her mind set solely on the games because the whole point was her 'trying' to be in the game (and win it) for her sister, Prim. It's a must read! For ALL! :)
I love this book! A didn't expect it to be this good but there was so much fuss around it so I had to read it. Wasn't that enthousiastic about Mockingjay but last books in a series are often not that great.
I'm really excited about the movie!
Great review and thanks for sharing!
I was exactly the same before I read this book - the premise just didn't sound like something I'd want to read. I absolutely adored it, though, and I'm planning on re-reading before the movie comes out this month. So excited!!
Great review! I have yet to read this series. It's in my-wish-list though. One of these days I'll start it. I've see and read soooo many rave reviews of it and been recommended it several times also. This is going to be the first time I see the movie before I've read the book. :)
DeAnna Schultz
Great review! One of my favorite series ever! I can't wait to see how it adapts to the big screen!!
Super glad you loved it. I was a little skeptical but decided to finally pick it up after everyone raved and I heard it was going to be a movie. I eneded up loving it, it's such a clever concept! Luckily the wait is nearly over, not long now before it hits the big screen.
thank for the review
i still have not time to read this book ouch.. but cross finger i will read this book soon, an epic story ;)
This is a good serie! I can't wait for the movie!
This was an awesome series! I read all three books in four days!
Dystopian at it's best. Such an amazing trilogy. I am glad so many people like it too. :) I hope the movie will be as good as the book :)
Best regards, Diana
I 100% agree with your review. This book was awesome, and even though I love dystopian novels, this is probably one of the best I've read. I also agree with the part about it being classified as a YA novel, because my mom also read this book and she loved it just as much as I did. Great review.
Raechel (:
This was a great review. I've been sittin on the fence about reading this. It's on my bookshelf, but I bought it for my husband and yes he loved it. He acutally told me I'm not allowed to see the movie with him until I read the book LOL I created a monster :) Although I have a bookshelf full of books I've been dying to read, I am now conviced I need to make room for this
I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I didn't think I was going to like it but I forced myself to read it because of the movie. Then I found myself buying the rest of the series because I enjoyed the first one so much. I wasn't as happy with Mockingjay, but the other two more than made up for it to me.
Fantastic series completely agree with your review and loved this book so much i'm going to try and go to the movie premier this week and i've never done that before. Well worth a read you will not be disappointed. 5 stars all the way!
I love this series. And I absolutely can't wait for the movie!
You said that Katniss (among other names) was a ridiculous name. But the story is set in the future. I really liked the unusual names, because it kinda showed us that this is really happening in the distant future.
I just finished this book. I agree about Katniss being a bit clueless when it came to Peeta! Have just started the second in the series 'catching fire' and I am hooked! It is so fraught with tension it is unbelievable! You should read it!
OMG I these book swhere amazing and I am dying for the movie to finally arrive :G
I am so obsessed with this trilogy. Great review!
I just finished the hunger games series last february 25 to february 27, 2012. I know it's too late, but first i read it, i'm so hooked! I really love this series eventhough i'm little bit dissapointed with the romance ending between Katniss and Peeta. Why she can't live with Gale? I love Gale! Haha..
I definitely have to agree with you on Katniss not thinking about anything but the games. Though, it's not like i don't agree with you on the rest, i just think she was too caught up in outsmarting the other contestants.
I haven't read it yet either, but after watching the trailers and all you said in your review, about Katniss needing to think about how she affects other people, I really want to!
It seems like Katniss will really bloom as a person.
great review, my son so wants these books for christmas..guess ill have to get them huh lol
I have not read this series but after everything I have read about hem, and from the movie trailers, I am very interested in it.
Liked the first book in the series the best!!
2 days to go for the movie! Can Hardly Wait!!
Amazing review!! I LOVED The Hunger Games, and I can't wait for the movie!!
Beth xx
The movie's out today!! I'm going, I absolutely cannot wait..! Hope you're goin too..
Not only did I fall in love with this trilogy, I made my husband read it too. I can't believe it's YA because the violence and war theme is kind of adult.
Regardless, the writing was really good.
Can't wait for the movie
Nice Review. And yes, i think 'Katniss' is ridiculous name. And you are Peeta team, aren't you? :D
Great review! I quite like the name Katniss though. I read the book last summer and I had no expectations about it and perhaps that's why it blew me away.
I am truly interested to see how the movie lives up to the book, the story is great, the characters were gritty and this one was one of my favorite reads last year Dani.
I completely agree! I felt like I was annoyed with her for being so dumb to the fact that Peeta was soo in love with her! I really liked the movie too, but my mind is firm in its belief that the book will most always be better than the movie. There are just things that you can't convey through a movie that you can through a book.
We kind of the same, but I wasn't really bullied into reading it. My friends told me that the series was great and gripping and exciting so I borrowed and read it. So I can't say I loved the entire series. Yes, I liked it when I was reading it (except for Mockingjay), but when I finished the series, I didn't feel the OMG-I-TOTALLY-LOVE-THIS-SERIES! feeling, I just felt the this-is-a-good-or-even-great-read feeling. But the things you said in your review was true, well, when I was reading it anyway. Thanks for the great review!
I read Hunger Games ages ago when it first came out which means I had to wait years before the movie was made. I absolutely LOVED Hunger Games, but found Catching Fire and Mockingjay especially a bit disappointing.
I love this book. Seriously, love it. Amazing review!
I am 100% in agreement. Several people recommended this book to me, and I resisted, and resisted... and resisted. I'm 37 years old. Why on earth would I even want to read a Young Adult novel about teenagers offing one another? It sounded completely absurd to me. Finally, I gave in. So glad I did! Hunger Games is so far out of my "comfort reading zone" that it's borderline ridiculous, yet I was hooked. Couldn't put the book down. L-o-v-e-d it! Didn't see how I could like book 2 nearly as much. How could it possibly live up to the arena games? Wrong again! I am now on chapter 6 of book 2, and I quite literally find my jaw dropping and heart beating just a little bit faster as I read through it. Kudos, Suzanne Collins! Job very well done!!
Tracy Awalt Juliano
Haha, I was kind of "bullied" into reading this series too :P One day my friends were talking about them, and I was like "What are you on about?" then they all looked outrageously at me and demanded that I read them at once. I was quite skeptical and somewhat an expectation for them. I liked them a lot, but they weren't the best series I have ever read, like how lots of people like to put it. I definitely loved the story line, it was creative and original. But I found that the writing was a bit too simple and not as good as I expected. It wasn't good enough to go with the story... If the writing could improve a bit, like use more vocabulary and complex sentences, it would have been better. I liked it overall, but there are room for improvement :)
this book is awesome & amazing...
great review!
Great review!! I myself, also thought this series sounded pretty gruesome and then I read it and LOVED it!!! I just finished reading Catching Fire and am blown away by what has happened! Now I've got to read Mockingjay so I can know how it ends.
great review
Wonderful review. :) The Hunger Games is one of those books that you never forget.
It took me a while to pick up the books as well. But, I saw so many people comment on how much they loved it. The last book was so depressing to me... sad and didn't want the story to end.
Gosh I love this book! I haven't read it until after the movie was released and I want to watch it but decide to read the book first. And my, I was hooked! I mean I'm not a big fan of Young Adults books but this one is gonna stick in my all time fave list :) I like the movie but love the book even better!
Just reread this book in preparation of seeing the movie and it was even better the second time.
I love the Hunger Games. :))
It's funny, I read this book under similar circumstances and I finished it in 4 hours and while it was horrifying and awful I enjoyed it thoroughly. I really do think Katniss had NO idea how to handle the thought that Peeta might truly care for her & he wasn't just playing an angle in the games. It's easy for us to look in and see things clearly but I can't imagine being in the thick of a fight for my life AND trying to understand the motivations of a guy. They aren't always clearcut. And she was wholly inexperienced with romance. Great review!
I loved reading Hunger Games series. I was hooked with the book from start until finished.
I really liked the first one, the second one was a little slow and after I read the summary for Mockingjay online because I couln't wait, I decided to not read it. It seemed really sad but I decided to pick it up again months later and it was amazing, the best of the series :)
I read already the 3 books and they're freaking amazing. :D
I am ashamed to say I haven't read this book! *prepares for stoning* lol!
I do have all three books in the lovely new covers sat on my shelf ready to read,(I also had the older copies too) I have promised myself that this year I will read this series!
I can not wait to read this book the review sounds amazing
I've recent;y read it, couldn't believe I waited for so long to read this one.
I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES!!! I have read all books and I am wanting to re-read them again! I cannot wait for the next movie! :D
I don't consider myself a huge fan of YA because I'm an adult and usually read adult novels. But when Hunger Games was about to be released and people started to fuss about it online I was curious and decided to read the book.
And you know what? I was hooked! Now, Hunger Games is one of my fave book! I'm so glad I gave it a try. I also read the two sequels and lovin them :)
Yep, I loved this book as well!
My copy is still being passed around the whole school being read by my friends!
I still haven't found the time to read this, although the first i on my Kindle and has been for ages now. Groan! But you've fired me up to rectifying that soon. X
I agree about the first third of the book being a bit slow. Not that I mind a leisurely pace or anything. But as soon as the Games begin, the gear change is so dramatic that the contrast is emphasised. And I have to say that I prefer the pacing of the story after Katniss and the other Tributes enter the arena. (And this goes double for the pacing of Catching Fire.)
i love to read this book is was so different respect ion another book i was reading is amazing
I loved your review! I had many of the same thoughts on the book, and it took me a while to succumb to my friends recommendations on the book as well. :) I'm soooo glad I read it though! I read the entire series in three days! It was amazing!
I was also skeptical about this series before reading it... But it was fantastic and I agree it is definitely a good read for adults, too! In that way its similar to Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy. x
Love this series!
I really love this book, it has so much meaning in it. Im thinking about reading it again soon.
I love your review and cant wait to read more of your reviews
This entire series was amazing! Have you had a chance to read the other two?
I loved this series. My mum only watched the movie but she actually liked it - which surprised me 'cause I thought Dystopian wasn't her genre.
I also loved Peeta...and, as people say, I'm Team Peeta eheh
XX Ner
So glad you liked it. I loved the series, it was my first dystopian and I really loved it. The movie was a little disappointing but it was good :)
When I first saw the cover at Barnes & Noble, I had never heard of the books and had no clue what they were about. I thought it was going to be a crime/mystery story. I couldn't have been more wrong!
My friend told me what they were about, and I was stunned. The premise is really upsetting and barbaric, but once I read the books, I couldn't believe the genius of the writing. To me, the books are a satire of our reality TV obsessed culture and worship of celebrities. So many thoughts about this are communicated through a story--shown, not told. Pure genius if you ask me!
I really loved this book plus the other 2 books from the Hunger Games trilogy! <3
I had no idea a book like this existed until the movie came out. I fell in LOVE with the series watching the first movie, then read all of the books following this one. Sadly there's only 3 books. I'm dying for more.
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